Plastic Surgery Reconstruction and Alteration of The Human Body
Plastic surgery is nothing new for this generation. It is a specialty that involves reconstruction and alteration of the human body. It can broadly classify into two types that is -reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery. TECHIQUES INVOVLVED : Different types of techniques are involved in the alteration and manipulation of body tissue. Previously the skin graft technique was the most common while in the recent techniques come into practice like tissue expansion and flap surgery. SAFETY: There is the main norm for plastic surgery that it is not safe for common people. Surgery involves complications it is nothing new. Complications during surgery may be related to anesthesia, blood clots, pneumonia, and in the rarest case death. Doctors are well trained and the techniques are more advanced in today's time so the fear of such a case is avoided. So it is regarded as one of the safest. Countries like South Korea, Brazil, Thailand, Colombia are among the nations where plast...